How do I become a MarketerBiz Contributor?
Are you excited about becoming a Marketerbiz contributor? Just understand a few things and you’re all set. You can contribute to the Marketerbiz community soon.
Things to remember: –
Content must be original, not copy-paste.
The content should provide some information and add value to the reader’s information.
Don’t try to post ideas that have already been posted. Do an extensive search on any topic already posted by admin publishers or existing contributors.
We accept blog posts related to the following topics: –
- WordPress plugins and tutorials
- content marketing
- SEO, SEO Tools, SEO Tools Comparison, Software and Case Studies.
- Google Tools – Webmaster Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Algorithms Update
- Digital Marketing – Guides, Tips, Advanced Trends and Techniques, Digital Marketing Case Studies
- email marketing
- Remote Team/Company Operations
- podcasting
- social media
- “How-to” and Listed Articles
- web design
- graphic design
- video marketing
- email marketing
- digital advertising
Just Remember “Content is the King” So always keep it unique.
Mandatory Guidelines (Most Important):-
1) One relevent image should be attached (With no copyright issue).
2) Appropriate Title tag with maximum 55 characters.
2) Appropriate meta description with maximum 150 characters(Without keyword stuffing).
Steps For Posting:-
1) Submit Your unique Content after reading “Mandatory Guidelines” on below form
2) Just relax and wait for 12 Hours, We will send you the email regarding approval/disapproval.
3) After uploading blog, we will send you the live link via email.